Stuck Inside these Four Walls

Yep, I really am. I am now confined to my room. The level of cells in my bloodstream that combat infection is so low that I am not allowed into the rest of the unit. This is normal and expected. I just wish I had walked the halls a little bit more the last couple of days, because I think it helps prevent leg soreness. And now it’s too late! I am due to receive a stationary bike. I hope that comes tomorrow. It would be nice to be spinning at noon, when Donna and my other spin buddies will be going at it at the gym!

It is hard to believe I have been here over a week and I have not gone crazy yet. (Well, you know what I mean, it’s a relative term.)  I do not feel an intense need to get out. I have just enough to keep me busy. It helps, too, that this has been planned for such a long time. I knew that this part of August was completely devoted this project. I have nowhere else to be.

I try to take each day at a time, knowing there will be bumps ahead, but I am a little surprised at how good I feel. Aside from occasional bouts of nausea that come out of nowhere, and some soreness in my legs that makes it hard to sleep, I feel much closer to normal than I had expected to. My blood counts will continue to drop before they start to come up, but if I am close to the worst of it, I have to say I may have dodged a bullet. (And now I can hear my voice on some day next week, laughingly hysterically to that comment……’you fool, you fool….you knew not what was to come!!)

I am still not eating solid food on a regular basis. I am however, developing an emotional relationship with the mashed potatoes. It takes me while to eat the small scoop that is offered, so we’ve gotten to know each other quite well. I am looking forward to hanging with his buddies, known as Real Food, very soon.

And just so you know, I’m still having fun. Pictured below is a shot of my friends Pauline and Andy, who graciously stopped by my house and loaded up all my pets for a visit!


7 thoughts on “Stuck Inside these Four Walls

  1. Tomorrow I wish I could be spinning beside you and not an empty bike.
    Keep smiling and eat some ice cream for me!! See ya soon

  2. Keep up the good work little sister. I check your blog every day. Will come and visit when you are stronger and allowed visitors. Love, Bill

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